A top location for connecting the best minds in the ICT industry.

Dublin is at the heart of Europe’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and software sector. As one of the top priorities of our economy, Dublin’s ICT industry is rich in expertise, innovation and development, and is quickly becoming known as one of the tech start-up capitals of Europe.

Ten out of ten of the top ‘born on the internet’ companies have a presence here, including Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Airbnb. They are all located in Dublin in the waterfront area now known locally as ‘The Silicon Docks’. Dublin is Europe’s leading hub of innovative games companies with Big Fish, EA, Havok, DemonWare,. The ICT sector in Ireland attracts global talent as well as homegrown researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs. High quality technical talent is readily available in the nation, due in part to the strong partnerships forged between government, industry and third-level institutions.

Among the 900+ ICT & software companies based throughout Dublin, star players include:

  • Adobe
  • Airbnb
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • LinkedIn
  • Microsoft
  • Oracle
  • Salesforce
  • SAP
  • ​Twitter

Company spotlight: Google

Google Ireland employs over 8,000 people from over 75 different countries, speaking 70 different languages. The sales team supports over 100 markets, while the engineering team is responsible for a fleet of data centres across Europe (among the most energy efficient in the world).

Company spotlight: Google

Google Ireland employs over 8,000 people from over 75 different countries, speaking 70 different languages. The sales team supports over 100 markets, while the engineering team is responsible for a fleet of data centres across Europe (among the most energy efficient in the world).

Key industry links

Planning your next corporate meeting, conference, or incentive trip in Dublin means a wealth of connections, collaboration, and creativity, set against the backdrop of a spectacular city experience.

Let the unrivalled knowledge centres in Dublin and across Ireland attract delegates from around the globe.

Professional associations

Research/innovation centres

  • INSIGHT – Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) research centre for data analytics
  • ADAPT – Global Centre of Excellence for Digital Content funded by the SFI
  • Tyndall National Institute – Excellence in ICT research
  • LERO – Irish Software Research Centre funded by the SFI
  • CeADAR – Centre for Applied Data Analytics & Machine Intelligence
  • Learnovate – Digital Learning and Innovation Centre


Dublin’s universities are at the forefront of ICT and software. As a result, strong co-operative links to the industry have been developed. The combined power of these centres of learning means Dublin has one of the youngest and most educated workforces in Europe. Just some of these educational institutions comprise of:

The Dublin Convention Bureau Team are ready to help

Let the Dublin Convention Bureau team assist you with sourcing Dublin venues, make introductions to industry and academic leaders, and assist with financial support. Contact us today for more information.